**Checkout our monthly Bulldog Growl article**
Seal Elementary PTO Officers:
President-Kelsey Sheets
Vice President-Sav Vaughn
Secretary-Nicki Wilson
Treasurer-LaChelle Prather
February 3rd- PTO Meeting 6 PM @ Library
February 13th- Valentines Parties
March 3rd- PTO Meeting 6 PM @ Library
March 5th- Donuts with Dames
Want to easily send spare change to an organization
that benefits your students directly?
Choose Seal Elementary PTO as your receiving
charity for your roundup at Walmart!
Not a walmart shopper? No problem!
to the Community Rewards Program
at Dillons Grocery Store.
Purchases made will benefit Seal Elementary PTO!
Would you like to share your appreciation for a teacher or staff member?
Then check out some of their FAVORITE THINGS!!!
Tune into Seal PTO:
Text @hhg3af to 810810
Click HERE
for Remind updates!
Need PTO info?
Contact at sealpto@gmail.com