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Board of Education

Douglass Schools - USD 396 BOE Profile
Douglass Public Schools has a tradition of strong academic achievement. Coupled with a diverse extra-curricular program, Douglass continues to touch the lives of many throughout the area. New facilities have opened great opportunities and the strong technology options give rise to innovative ideas for staff and students. When one ties these elements to smaller class size and the close proximity to opportunities in the city, it makes for an ideal teaching and learning experience.

Douglass - USD 396 Board of Education Mission Statement
The mission of the Douglass Board of Education is to set policy which will have a vision for the future. This vision will assist and challenge teachers in educating our youth in accordance with the expectations of state and federal law, while being responsive to community beliefs. It will strive to bring out the talents and capabilities of all who are involved within the school district.

Douglass - USD 396 Educational Goals
*to develop a command of the fundamental intellectual processes and skills needed today and in the future
*to develop self-discipline to work, study, and play constructively as well as develop the intellectual curiosity and eagerness to become a lifelong learner
*to develop a cooperative attitude toward living and working with others in a diverse and global environment
*to acquire an understanding of self and an appreciation for one’s worthiness
*to develop and maintain good health, hygiene, and physical fitness with an awareness for public health and safety
*to develop the ability to make sound decisions, be resourceful, and to anticipate and accept the consequences of one’s decisions
*to acquire an appreciation and basic knowledge for technologies
*to develop an understanding of sound and responsible personal finance skills


Progressive, proud, and focused are words that surface as you visit the Douglass Public Schools.  Students receive an education that truly prepares them for the future.  Douglass has a strong tradition of academic achievement, progressive educational opportunities and a focused staff that helps create a strong vision for the future.  The residents of Douglass are proud of their district and have supported the local educational effort.  USD 396 has excellent facilities and an impressive wide range of opportunities for the students and patrons.  District patrons approved three bond issues over the last three decades, 1993, 2000 and most recently May of 2016.  The district is proud of the hard work of the district steering committee comprised of over 30 district patrons.  This diverse group of district tax payers led the charge of the 83% passage of an 8.99 million bond issue that will improve safety and security, upgrade aging facilities and upgrade and renovate existing facilities. This effort will greatly improve the district’s facilities and meet the needs of our students and staff for many years to come.   The best part of this effort is the financing.  The school board has been able to pass the latest bond issue without an increase in local property taxes.   

Board Members

Leslie Braddy - 316-706-2639
Shelby Green - 316-747-2017                  
Katie McCosh –  816-590-0439     
Brent Nispel - 316-648-0941        
Brook Roberts - 316-644-2033
Troy Starr - 316-641-3715       
Daniel Stiner – 316-650-9714

Key Staff

Superintendent:   Rob Reynolds
Curriculum & Instruction Staff:  DeAnne Heersche
Business Office Staff:   LaChelle Prather, Business Manager
Other Key Contacts:   Carrie Shores, Board Clerk


The organization of the Douglass Public Schools has been streamlined and efficient.  The addition of a part-time curriculum coordinator in 2006 has assisted in directing the curriculum development by working through the four building administrators for effective building level leadership.  Support services are led by the directors in technology and transportation, while student support comes from the counseling department.  A strong family orientation is the key to the success of the staff as both the classified and certified staff work to promote the best for the students of the Douglass community.

The District’s Accomplishments and Challenges

Accomplishments: Douglass has always been at the forefront of education with over 12 college and career pathways, senior exit interviews, a new early childhood program, and a one to one Chrome book initiative slated to be rolled out this fall.  Curriculum alignment continues to be a priority, as the district strives to maintain continuity and excellence throughout all levels in the district.  The implementation of Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS), helps the staff in each building direct needed resources to all learners, focusing on every students learning needs.

Challenges:  Douglass Public Schools continue to see declining enrollment.  The challenging economy and the availability of housing have impacted the growth of the district.  As the economy remains in a recession, our biggest challenge will be our expenses.  With rising costs, declining enrollment and the reality of wavering legislative support for school funding, we are planning a fiscal year full of unpredictability.  The district is facing budget challenges for the 9th straight year due to fluctuating state aid.  The second year of Block Funding has not brought any new money to the district, while expenses in utilities and health insurance continue to grow.  The district must continue to balance the financial challenges with the needs of the students as well as, continuing to strive to offer competitive salaries and benefits for employees.  These struggles will continue to be of concern as we move through the school year.   

Contact Information

Douglass Public Schools
921 E 1st Street
Douglass, Kansas 67039
Phone: 316-747-3300
Fax: 316-747-3305